Hi Kannan. 'The Loneliest Whale' was the first book I read by Lily and I immediately felt a profound connection to the writing. Her best book is 'Saskia's Skeleton', which is a masterpiece written on two levels of meaning and perception (which was also done in 'Life of Pi' and 'Gulliver's Travells') so it's best to read it twice to understand it both ways. 'Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age' is a great title but an average book (similarly, 'An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Houses in New England' is a fantastic title hiding a terrible book). My Hrabal recommendations are: 'I Served the King of England' (superb literature), 'The Little Town Where Time Stood Still', 'Too Loud a Solitude' and, to a lesser extent, 'Harlequin's Millions'. I still need to read 'Pirouettes on a Postage Stamp', which is another superb title.