My audio short stories on YouTube
Some of these fiction stories were published in commercial paperbacks and one in a literary journal. The audio recordings (these are not videos) with a gorgeous cast of radio actors are currently available for your delectation on Youtube (links below):
Honey Bear. Link:
Genealogy Club. Link:
It’s Time to Talk About Frankie. Link:
Some Uncertainty Amongst the Hedgehogs Today. Link:
War Against the Daisies. Link:
Please leave positive or negative feedback of any kind because I love to see comments and these are rare swallows indeed. Say something, anything.
Public notice: Approval junkies are typically insecure and do more interesting stuff when you feed brittle crumbs into their hollow, depleted souls. Mirror us, trick us, use us and fling us — we don’t care as long as someone notices. Lines for my headstone.